Javascript: ucfirst
In PHP there is ucfirst whose purpose is to uppercase the first letter of the string. While working in Javascript I ran into a problem where I wanted to do this. I searched high and low and couldn’t find a native function that would do this. So, I ended up writing my own.
String.prototype.ucfirst = function () {
// Split the string into words if string contains multiple words.
var x = this.split(/\s+/g);
for (var i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
// Splits the word into two parts. One part being the first
// letter, and second being the rest of the word.
var parts = x[i].match(/(\w)(\w*)/);
// Put it back together but uppercase the first letter and
// lowercase the rest of the word.
x[i] = parts[1].toUpperCase() + parts[2].toLowerCase();
// Rejoin the string and return.
return x.join(' ');
A quick example on how to use it:
var s = "hello my name is ali karbassi.";
//hello my name is ali karbassi.
document.write( s );
document.write( s.toUpperCase() );
//hello my name is ali karbassi.
document.write( s.toLowerCase() );
//Hello My Name Is Ali Karbassi
document.write( s.ucfirst() );
Update: Adam noted another way to do this.
str = str.toLowerCase().replace(/\b([a-z])/gi,function(c){return c.toUpperCase()});