If you need you get the neighborhood based an address or location name, it’s pretty easy using Google App Scripts and the HERE API. You’ll need to supply your own HERE API key. They have a freemium model that is pretty generious (250k transactions per month).
First, in your Google Spreadsheet, create an “Apps Script”. As of 2021, you can do this by going to Extentions > Apps Script. Ths will open a new Apps Script file.
Inside the Apps Script site, rename the project to getNeighborhood and paste the following code inside Code.gs.
consthereAPIKey='<YOUR_HERE_API_KEY>';functiongetNeighborhood(query){query=query.trim();if(!query||!query.length){thrownewError('<query> cannot be empty');}constencodedAddress=encodeURIComponent(query);constURL=`https://geocode.search.hereapi.com/v1/geocode?apiKey=${hereAPIKey}&q=${encodedAddress}`;constresults=UrlFetchApp.fetch(URL);constdata=JSON.parse(results);returndata['items'][0]['address']['district'];}
Be sure to save and click Debug. Confirm permissions once they pop up and you’re set.
Back inside your spreadsheet, you can use the new function like so:
If you’d like to do time sensitive conditionals on Apache, the following will help you get started. This is useful if you’d like certain content to be displayed based on time.
What we do here is set the time format to %Y%m%d%H%M which is year, month, day, hour, minute. For example “201303281140” for March 28th, 2013 at 11:40am.
Then if the current server time is before set time, we display before.html; if the time is during our two times, we display during.html; else we display after.html.
Check and install the “Android SDK Platform-Tools” only.
You should have a directory called android-sdk-mac_x86. Within that, there should be directory called Platform-Tools.
Go as instructed to the “Return To Stock (ODIN TARS & FASTBOOT IMGS)” page. Second post will have the FASTBOOT images. For stock Jelly Bean search for FH05. There is 6 files that need to download.
Place all the downloaded files inside android-sdk-mac_x86/platform-tools/ directory.
Shut down the device, then press and hold Volume Up, Volumn Down, and Power at the same time. This will enter to the bootloader.
Connect the device via USB to the computer.
Open terminal and go into the “platform-tools” directory.
Enter the following lines, one at a time.
./fastboot flash boot boot.img
./fastboot flash bootloader bootloader.img
./fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
./fastboot flash system system.img
./fastboot flash radio radio-cdma.img
./fastboot flash radio radio-lte.img
./fastboot -w